Commom questions and problems
After some years operating this website I answered hundreds of questions from readers stuck at some point with
their DDR experience. This can be a hardware problem, a problem with Stepmania, or people looking for buying advice.
The same questions are coming back again and again so I decided to gather the answers in this FAQ.
Hardware issues
Which dance mat would you advise me?
This is the most frequent question! As a result I created a dedicated section of the site. Head to
the dance mat comparison.
My mat does not work with Stepmania!
You should proceed like this:
Begin on Windows with the setup panel, then game controllers. This module allows to test your hardware. The mat is
pictured on the screen (maybe as a joypad) and the buttons you press are lighting. At this point if it does not work,
you can begin to worry... you suffer probably from a mat failure.
If the mat is working with Windows, launch Stepmania and head to Options/Test Input. The mat buttons you press
should light likewise. If this works, but you still cannot play with your mat this is because you did not map the
controls correctly! Here is an exemple for two players on Options/Joy mapping.
Finding musics
The quest for DDR songs motivates almost as much questions as the mat choice. First step, you can grab a few easy
titles directly on my site: help yourself! :)
Then you can look for the "official" songs. These are the titles appearing in the official releases of the games
Dance Dance Revolution or Dancing stage. You can find these regrouped by packs on this super website:
Last but not least, you surely look for famous songs? benamistyle is a genuine gold mine.
On the other hand you will have to spend a good amount of time to extract the interesting songs from the thousands of
titles available. There are wonderfully inspired stepping works as well as terribly synced songs, it is a real sorting work
to build an interesting collection from benamistyle.
Stepmania issues
I can't play versus mode!
When you hit Game Start in Stepmania, you are asked to choose between the modes single, solo, versus
and double. Problem is the two last options are grayed... until you hit start with the second player's mat!
This obviously assumes you have correctly assign this function to the mat, as we saw in the printscreen just above.
Game over after three songs
Turn on the event mode in the options menu.
Downloaded songs do not work
The song folders of Stepmania must stick to precise rules. In the install folder of Stepmania, you find a folder
Songs. Let us say you got a collection "songs from video games" including the titles "Sonic", "Mario" and
so on. To make this work, the folder "Songs" must contain a subfolder "musics from video games" which itself contains
a subsubfolder "Sonic", another subsubfolder "Mario",... In each one, you should at least find a mp3 file and a .dwi
or .sm file bearing the same name.
The menus have all disappeared
In Stepmania 3.9, if you press by mistake F3, you switch to the "coin" mode, and you are stuck!
Just press F3 again to save the day. In Stepmania 5, maintain F3 and tap 1 to switch between the different modes.
"Game code" on internet
If you wander the servers of Stepmania Online, you are asked a login. This login must match the profile you use
in Stepmania.